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Add Heart Podcast

Add Heart Podcast

A Growing Need for Compassionate Latitude

Host Deborah Rozman and Guest Gavin Andrews

May 21, 2019 Episode #16 Add Heart Podcast Past Episodes

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This sixteenth official call is an excellent way to sustain your own personal heart-practices. We also hope it will be a supportive tool for you to offer to your clients, patients and colleagues.

Sparking this month’s Add Heart Call discussion is the growing need for "compassionate latitude" for others and for ourselves. In a just-released Gallup poll, more than half of Americans are reporting record levels of stress and worry. Rising stress levels are also occurring in the UK and Europe with uncertainty about the future of Brexit and polarizing politics of separation vs. inclusiveness.

During this 30-minute live call, Deborah Rozman and special guest Gavin Andrews, director for HeartMath UK, discuss the importance of having "compassionate latitude" during these times, what that really means and how to practice it to the benefit of all. Gavin also talks about the changes he sees happening in the UK and simultaneously a new awakening to heart awareness and connection that’s bringing hope to many.

They close the event with a heart-meditation to lift our vibration and add heart-powered intention to our practice of compassionate latitude in all our interactions, including how we interact our self.

Download Audio .MP4 13.3 MB(PC) Right-Click or (Mac) Ctrl-Click > Save Link As to download.

What Participants are Saying