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Research Library

Spanish Version

Impact of Resilience and Stress Management Training: A Case Study of the Colombian National Police

[Impacto del entrenamiento en resiliencia y manejo del estrés: estudio de caso en la Policía Nacional de Colombia]

    • Published: 2021
    • Jonatan Moreno Daza, Catalina Cárdenas Quijano1, Jesús María Cárdenas Beltrán1, Juan Carlos Nieto Aldana, and Juan José Lopera Sánchez
    • Revista Logos Ciencia & Tecnología, 13(1), 96-115, 2021. DOI: Universidad Externado de Colombia: Bogota, CO.
    • Spanish
      Download the complete paper, click here.


Every day, police officers must serve and protect their community in changing socio-cultural, economic, political and family environments, populated by citizens with increasingly demanding needs, who require humane treatment and various safety guarantees. This dynamic affects police officers’ stress levels, as well as their personal and occupational risk factors. This study analyzed the impact of a training strategy implemented with 76 uniformed personnel dedicated to crime prevention and peaceful coexistence, using breathing exercises from the HeartMath Institute’s heart and quick coherence techniques, with innovative biofeedback and measurement equipment. The results show that the officers were able to significantly reduce their average heart rate, improving their ability to breathe in a controlled manner during their routine activities. This reduced heart rate reactivity reveals improved police performance.