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Correlations Between Basal Metabolic Rate in Humans with Different Age, Gender, BMI and Local Earth Magnetic Field Activity

    • Published: 2021
    • Giedre Taletaviciene1, Rollin McCraty2, Naseha Wafa Qammar3, Minvydas Ragulskis3, and Alfonsas Vainoras4
    • Copyright © 2021 Giedre Taletaviciene, et al. Journal of Complexity in Health Sciences, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2021. DOI: UPA Medical SPA, Druskininkai, Sveikatos, Lithuania.2. Department Research HeartMath Institute, Boulder Creek, CA, USA.3. Department of Mathematical Modelling, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania.4. Institute of Cardiology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Sukilė lių , Lithuania.
    • Download the complete paper, click here.


Daily energy expenditure includes resting metabolism (RMR), endogenous thermogenesis (or thermal effects of food), and energy expenditure associated with exercise. RMR depends on body weight, age, gender, genetic factors, medications used and health status. Every living organism is affected by external factors. Fluctuations in magnetic fields can affect almost every biological system more or less, depending on the characteristics of the particular biological system and magnetic fluctuations. Environmental energy phenomena affect psychophysical processes that can affect people in a variety of ways, depending on their sensitivity, health status, and ability to self-regulate. The aim of this study: to investigate the correlations between basal metabolic rate in humans with different age, gender, BMI and local Earth magnetic field activity. Information on gas metabolism during respiration was obtained by indirect calorimetry where the gas flow was continuously analysed. O2 consumption and CO2 emissions were continuously analysed. The best quality 5 min section was selected from the 15 min recording (automatically selected by the computer). The results were analysed and mean resting metabolic rate (M_RMR) was calculated. Investigations of metabolic rate were performed in Lithuanian, Druskininkai, Medical SPA Center, UPA". Power of spectral density of Local Geo Magnetic field (LGMF) was calculated in 0.32 to 36 Hz frequency range from the Lithuanian (GCI003) magnetometer for East – West direction (E-W). 395 persons were investigated: 116 men and 279 women. All participants were divided into two groups according gender. Women and men groups were divided again into two groups according mean age, the mean was 46 years. Was analysed correlations in women younger (≤ 46 years) and older (> 46 years) groups and the same for men younger (≤ 46 years) and older (> 46 years) groups. On the next step all women and all men, then younger women group, older women group, younger men group and older men group was divided according BMI mean (29), with less than ≤ 29 BMI and with more than > 29 BMI. On the basis of obtained results, we can conclude, that correlations between LGMF and basal metabolic rate features are negative. More expressed negative correlations are seen in persons with smaller BMI. With age negative correlations with LGMF decrease in men group and increase in women group. Sensitivity of persons of different gender to LGMF – differ.