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Getting in Sync for School and Life

HeartMath’s emWave® technology has been helping students ages 6 and up in thousands of schools around the world for many years. It’s in classrooms, computer labs, counseling centers and homes.

Students quickly learn how to self-regulate attitudes and emotions and bring balance to their mental and emotional systems. This balanced state leads to positive behavior, improved academic performance and greater ease in social settings.

emWave® Pro for Computer

The emWave helps students reduce learning and performance blocks such as test anxiety, poor memory recall, low motivation and behavioral issues caused by peer pressure, anxiety and overstimulation such as from today’s media devices. The emWave has proven to benefit students in both the classroom and home.

The easy-to-use software program with a real-time heart-rhythm monitor is based on current research that shows heart-rhythm patterns are influenced by our emotions. Notice the distinct difference in the patterns in the charts below.

Education Self-Regulation Technolgy boy graph  

Attitudes and emotions such as anger, reactivity caused by stress or emotional upset and discouragement produce an irregular pattern (displayed as red in the chart). As the student is able to shift his attitude to one of appreciation, empathy, tolerance or engagement, his self-regulated state creates a smooth pattern (displayed in blue).

HMI quote and image Education Self-Regulation Technology

emWave® Benefits, Features and Uses in Education


Students who have the opportunity to practice with the emWave self-regulation technology can experience a number of important benefits, including the following:

  • Focus and attention
  • Emotional resilience
  • Impulse control
  • Anger management
  • Motivation to succeed
  • Comprehension
  • Problem-solving
  • Test scores


  • Real-time heart rate variability monitor.
  • Four challenge levels to help students raise their baseline coherence levels.
  • Coherence Coach®tutorial for learning and applying the Quick Coherence®
  • Interactive games that make if fun for students to build focus and emotional resilience.
  • Emotion Visualizer®, which provides stunning colorful images that vary according to a student’s emotional state and coherence level.
  • Secure data storage showing coherence levels for session and history review.

Education uses:

  • Classrooms ­– Instructors have incorporated the emWave into biology, life science, psychology, math, health and nutrition, wellness, physical education and life-skills courses.
  • Counseling programs ­– The emWave helps improve students’ emotional health. It is a versatile technology that can be incorporated into programs that address bullying, conflict resolution, test preparation, drug and alcohol prevention and more.
  • After-school programs ­– Students supplement academic work with regular practice on the emWave to help with test preparation and decrease frustration from learning and behavioral and relationship challenges.
  • Test preparation ­– Educators typically set up emWaves in computer labs or libraries to help students improve focus while they learn how to regulate performance inhibitors such as test and math anxiety.
  • Special education classrooms ­– The emWave helps students improve impulse control, emotional resilience, academic focus and confidence, Students lean to overcome the emotional blocks to learning and test-taking.
  • Learning and tutoring centers ­– The emWave serves as a support tool for students with learning disabilities and those who perform below their academic capability.
  • Athletic programs and sports camps ­– The emWave helps teach athletes to improve focus, self-control and performance. For example, a student commented about it, “One big change is that I no longer throw my golf clubs.”
The emWave products were developed specifically for educational purposes only and are not intended for use as diagnostic tools. Before using emWave products in an educational setting with minors, HeartMath recommends always consulting with your school and/or district about all guidelines that may pertain to the types of classroom educational programs and tools they support. HeartMath assumes no liability or responsibility for how educators and/or educational staff choose to use emWave educational programs.

Learn More

Learn more about emWave educational technology and how it can improve your students’ academic performance and emotional resilience by e-mailing us at or calling (800) 711-6221.

The Science Behind emWave Self-Regulation Technology

The emWave® educational self-regulation technology and the tools and techniques of the HeartMath System incorporate over 23 years of scientific research on the psychophysiology of stress, emotions and heart-brain interactions.

HMI Frustration with Cortical inhibition (chaos) HMI Appreciation with Cortical Facilitation (coherence)

Heart-rhythm patterns during different emotional states. These graphs show examples of real-time heart rate variability (HRV) patterns (heart rhythms) recorded from individuals experiencing different emotions. The incoherent heart-rhythm pattern shown in the top graph, characterized by its irregular, or jagged waveform, is typical of stress and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and anxiety. The bottom graph shows an example of the coherent heart-rhythm pattern that is typically observed when an individual is experiencing a sustained positive emotion such as appreciation, compassion or love. The coherent pattern is characterized by its regular, sine-wavelike waveform.

Learn More.