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Jeff Goelitz

(831) 338-8713

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Child Mental Health Establishing a New Baseline for Behavioral Change

Early intervention strategies using HeartMath’s self-regulation techniques, methods and emWave® technologies have helped thousands of children neutralize symptoms of anxiety, anger, mood swings, loss of focus and motivation, social phobia, childhood trauma, substance abuse and more.

Research studies have shown statistical improvements and behavioral changes in children when using HeartMath techniques and technologies in areas such as ADHD, anxiety, substance abuse and anger management.

HeartMath Coherence Training in Children with ADHD

The HeartMath Coherence Training in Children With ADHD intervention is designed for use with children ages 8-14 who have been diagnosed with ADHD. The intervention is designed to help these children reduce stress, control impulses and improve academic focus, including word recognition, memory, attention and problem-solving, by gaining and maintaining self-control over their emotional responses to stressful events.

Download a free copy of the e-booklet, Using emWave Technology for Children with ADHD – An Evidence-Based Intervention.

The intervention is a form of self-regulation training that, along with the emWave educational technology, can be implemented by educators, clinicians or parents and usually consists of six to 12 sessions. More sessions can be conducted as needed. Sessions are brief to help children sustain attention. This intervention has been implemented in approximately 2,000 school sites and in numerous private agencies and homes. It is estimated that more than 5,000 educators and clinicians have used the emWave technology with children who have ADHD or related conditions. See study in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, a peer-reviewed journal.

Contact Jeff Goelitz at (831) 338-8713 or

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Child Mental Health

Additional Behavioral Health and Other Applications

  • Autism Stress is a natural part of life, but well-adjusted individuals are able to break stress patterns, which can lead to anxiety, worry, anger or depression. Many children on the spectrum do not have the skills to break these patterns. In dozens of interventions in schools, youth agencies, clinics and homes, HeartMath applications have helped autistic children reduce anxiety and emotional outbursts and agitation related to physical and social discomfort. The emWave technology in particular has been especially helpful because of the routines it establishes and its ease of use.
  • Anxiety In our fast-moving, complex world, as many as 8% of children ages 13-18 experience anxiety disorders in response to a range of pressures such as academic performance, social belonging, troubled family relations and economic uncertainty. HeartMath practices combined with other therapeutic strategies have been effective in helping children reduce anxiety levels.
  • Addictions An increasing number of professionals are using HeartMath self-regulation techniques and technologies in conjunction with addiction treatments for adolescents with substance-abuse issues. Because physiological stress plays an enormous role in addictive behavior and drug relapses, heart rate variability technology has shown promise as a viable method of helping to reduce stress levels among youth ages 13-18.
  • Bullying At a number of schools around the United States, students identified with bullying type behavior have received interventions that utilize HeartMath tools. These students met several times a week in small groups or one-on-one sessions and learned how to recognize their emotional states and choose less violent responses to situations that normally provoked anger and bullying behavior.
  • Depression Children often can feel overwhelming pressure to succeed in school, social groups or at home, and this can lead to noticeable changes in their feelings. They may show signs of being worried, hopeless, lonely, rejected, guilty or angry. Poor self-esteem, withdrawal and body aches are common signs. HeartMath collaborates with many youth agencies, clinics and educational organizations to help children improve their mental health through self-regulation techniques and technologies.
  • Severely Emotionally Disturbed (SED) Anger can be a normal reaction in a young person who seems to have lost control of his or her life. When anger management is ineffective a child experiencing chronic stress can be driven into a downward spiral. Counselors, educators, clinicians and other professionals are utilizing HeartMath strategies and technologies to teach children the early warning signs of anger and how to better self-regulate their behavior.
  • Autism This designation requires the presence of a diagnosable mental, behavioral or emotional disorder to meet diagnostic criteria specified in the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed.). A child diagnosed as SED means there is some form of a block that substantially interferes with or limits his or her role or functioning in family, school or community activities. These children can have a complex range of disabilities, from conduct disorder to schizophrenia. HeartMath self-regulation tool and technologies have been utilized in hundreds of classrooms, specialized schools or psychiatric units.
  • PTSD/Trauma Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop following a traumatic event that threatens a child’s safety or makes him feel helpless. Disasters, abuse or family neglect can lead to forms of shock, fear and emotional paralysis. HeartMath works actively with many psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health experts to help troubled children cope with the PTSD symptoms.

To learn more, e-mail: or call (800) 711-6221 or (831) 338-8500.

HeartMath Interventions – Establishing a New Baseline for Sustained Behavioral Change

The HeartMath® Interventions Program is uniquely designed for licensed counselors, psychologists, social workers, educational therapists, doctors and other health-care professionals who want to add HeartMath tools and technologies into their therapeutic work with children and adults. The self-regulation techniques, protocols and technologies taught in the program guide individuals in establishing a new physiological baseline that results in sustainable perceptual, attitudinal and behavioral changes.

“In the 40 years I have worked in this field, I have found HeartMath interventions to be the most effective methods for transforming stress and emotional turmoil into well-being.”

Tom McDermott, N.C.C., L.M.H.C., Director of Counseling Services, Niagara University, Lewiston, N.Y.

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