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Christiana Bishop

(800) 711-6221

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Coherence Advantage a HeartMath® Trainer Certification Program

Certification enables you to train and teach the HeartMath skillset to groups of any size, anywhere in the world.

Heart-Brain Coherence Optimizes Physical and Mental Performance

Coherence is Key to Increasing and Sustaining Our Energy Levels and Resilience.

Train others to connect more deeply with the wisdom and guidance of their heart’s intuitive intelligence — turn challenging days into ones with more ease and flow.

Teach the art and science of shifting into into heart-brain coherence, an optimal state that lays the foundation for clearer thinking, wiser choices, maintaining composure in times of chaos or stress, improved sleep, and sustainable health, wellness, and performance gains.

New & Improved Heart-Brain Coherence Optimizes Physical and Mental Performance

Coherence is Key to Increasing and Sustaining Our Energy Levels and Resilience.

Small group classes with a maximum of 6 students ensure individualized guidance & in-depth learning.

Click for Small Group Class Dates

What You Can Expect

To ensure your mastery of the material, the certification program uses a variety of engaging learning methods, creating an immersive six-week experience. The blended learning format requires participation in:

  • Five 2-hour small group classes
  • Two 7-hour teach back days
  • One 3-hour final class
  • Between 2 and 4 hours of study per week

Optional after Certification: Join the HeartMath Community of Practice, offering support, product discounts, learning, connection and a true sense of belonging.

Certification is Just the Beginning
QUESTIONS? Call us at (800) 711-6221 or (831) 338-8500. Or, e-mail us:
  1. Who typically enrolls in this Trainer Certification Course?

    The HeartMath Institute primarily certifies trainers who serve the general public, nonprofit organizations, schools, universities, social-service agencies, first responder organizations such as law enforcement, fire services, corrections, military, veteran and other government agencies.

    Those who get certified include:

    • Trainers
    • Consultants
    • Coaches
    • Managers
    • Practitioners
    • Directors
    • HR Personnel
    • Psychologists
    • Counselors/Social Workers
    • Peer Support Persons
    • Mentors
    • Educators
  2. After obtaining your certification, you’ll be invited to join our exclusive HeartMath Community of Practice – a supportive, heart-based community created especially for HeartMath Certified Professionals. The CoP is designed to help you build on your training and provide valuable strategies to develop a thriving business, including marketing guidance, continuing education, and templates for engaging trainings with clients. You’ll also be able to forge meaningful connections and collaborations with other heart-based professionals. Along with these benefits, you’ll receive practical perks such as discounts on product purchases and a listing on our Directory of Certified Professionals. The cost for the first year is only $29.50, with an annual fee of $295 thereafter.

  3. Numerous research studies conducted in a wide range of diverse populations have shown that practicing the coherence techniques results in significant reductions in stress, depression, anxiety, anger, hostility, burnout, fatigue and increases in caring, contentment, gratitude, peacefulness, resilience and vitality.

    Additionally, statistically significant improvements in mental and emotional well-being have been demonstrated in over 14,000 people after 6-9 weeks of HeartMath training. As a HeartMath® Certified Trainer, you will have access to the normed and validated Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment (POQA-R) for use in your organization or with clients.

  4. The Coherence Advantage was originally developed for the U.S. Navy’s Expeditionary Combat Command to assist with their highly demanding missions. Since then, culturally appropriate versions of the coherence-building techniques have been successfully taught to over 100,000 First Responders and Service Members in various countries, including Canada, Colombia, Nepal, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

    To ensure cultural appropriateness, there are three versions of the workshop materials available:

    1. General population: This version is suitable for individuals from various backgrounds, including nurses, teachers, government employees, and more.
    2. First Responders: Designed specifically for Police, Firefighters, EMTs, and 911 Call Center Staff.
    3. Active Duty Service Members: Tailored for allied military personnel.

    These adaptations cater to the unique needs and requirements of each group, allowing for effective implementation of the Coherence Advantage techniques.

  5. In response to many requests, we have made our certification program more affordable and accessible with an interest-free monthly payment plan. You can now spread your payments equally over four months. Our simple and non-binding certification course application makes the process straightforward. We want to assure you that your information is safe with us, and we won’t share it with anyone outside our organization.

  6. While the certification course is taught in English, presentation and workshop participant materials are all available in Spanish. In addition, we offer the Building Personal Resilience Mentor Certification in Spanish.

We Learn When We Teach – Benefits for You

  • Increased Self Awareness: As a HeartMath Certified Trainer, you will acquire effective techniques and strategies to boost coherence, self-regulation, and emotional resilience. You’ll develop a deeper understanding of your own emotional states, equipping you with the skills to effectively shift depleting attitudes and emotions and respond to stress in a more positive and balanced manner.

  • Heart Intelligence: Strengthening your connection to your heart’s intuitive intelligence is a key benefit of becoming a HeartMath Certified Trainer. Through the practice and teaching of the coherence-building techniques, you can develop a more profound connection with the wisdom and guidance that arise from within.

  • Improved Health and Well-being: HeartMath techniques are designed to help you manage stress and improve your overall health and well-being. By practicing these techniques, you may experience lower blood pressure, reduced anxiety, improved sleep quality, and increased energy levels.

  • Elevated Focus, Creativity and Performance: People functioning in a state of higher coherence are more innovative, resilient and aligned. This can improve strategic thinking, increase the ability to execute on key objectives and reduce costly mistakes.

  • Profound Sense of Purpose and Fulfillment: As a HeartMath Certified Trainer, you will have the opportunity to teach this impactful skillset to others, enabling them to operate at a heightened level of personal and professional effectiveness. Through this transformative work, most trainers experience a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment, utilizing their expertise to make a positive and meaningful impact in the lives of those they serve.

Coherence Advantage Trainer Certification is $3,995* Comprehensive and Transformative *4 equal monthly payments of $999

Teach Others to Shift From:

Uncertainty and clouded thinking to discernment for making more effective choices and unleashing creativity.

Being anxious, overwhelmed, or impatient to experiencing ease, flow, and peace of mind.

Stressful interactions and relationships to kinder, more patient and cooperative ones.

Feeling exhausted or mentally and emotionally drained, to experiencing more energy, better sleep, and motivation.

Statistically Significant Improvements From 14,266 HeartMath Trained Individuals

Statistically significant improvements in mental, emotional and physical well-being have been demonstrated in 14,266 people, 6-9 weeks after HeartMath training. This large group comprises individuals from various backgrounds and life experiences.

Statistically Significant Improvements From 14,266 HeartMath Trained Individuals

Percent of individuals responding as often or always on normed and validated pre and post Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment (POQA-R).

A substantial amount of research has been conducted on the effectiveness of the coherence techniques offered in the Coherence Advantage (formerly titled the Resilience Advantage). Studies conducted on a wide range of populations have consistently shown that practicing these techniques leads to significant reductions in stress, depression, anxiety, anger, hostility, and burnout, as well as increases in positive emotions such as caring, contentment, gratitude, peacefulness, resilience and vitality.

Benefits for Your Clients

As individuals learn to integrate the Coherence Advantage skills into their daily lives, they become better at handling day-to-day challenges and stressors that often leave them depleted. Using these skills has been shown to provide a wide range of long-term personal and professional benefits, including:

Statistically Significant Increases In:

  • Emotional Vitality
  • Contentment
  • Emotional Buoyancy

Statistically Significant Reductions In:

  • Organizational Stress
  • Physical Stress
  • Emotional Stress
  • Relational Tension
  • Anger and Resentment
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Health Symptoms
  • Intention to Quit
  • Pressures of Life
Patricia Van Pelt

"I am very happy that I connected with the HeartMath family. It’s really been a blessing. I took the Resilience Advantage (Now Coherence Advantage) certification training and I have been able to use the tools I learned in the courses I teach. I have been helping a lot of people get connected to their heart. I’ve been doing it for most of my life, I just didn’t know how to train on it. Now I feel like I have all the tools I need to fulfill my mission, even in a greater way. Thank you HeartMath."

Patricia Van Pelt, Ph.D., Illinois State Senator, Chicago, Illinois

QUESTIONS? Call us at (800) 711-6221 or (831) 338-8500. Or, e-mail us:

Coherence Advantage™ Trainer Certification Overview

1. This live, interactive on-line certification course spans 7 weeks and includes:

  • Five, 2-hour small group classes over consecutive weeks.
  • Two Full Teach-Back Training Days.
  • Final Day (3 hours) – Resources, Implementation Discussion, Technology Demo and Other Topics.
  • Self-Paced study of each of Coherence Advantage Modules as Master Trainers present and discuss the content.
  • Interactive Instruction and discussion in small groups on how to deliver the Coherence Advantage workshop or selected modules of your choice.
  • Teach backs with peers and Teach Back Facilitator for 2 days including additional customized feedback. Certification primarily based on these sessions.
  • Regular program updates, new developments and support materials.
  • Monthly Science Q & A with our Research Director.

2. Training Materials Package e-Version:

  • Coherence Advantage trainer Notes.
  • PowerPoint and additional material.
  • Program participant e-Guidebook and handouts.
  • Links to Certified Trainer Resources, including workshop planning resources, Website and reference materials.
  • HeartMath® Certified Trainer Logo, flyers, articles and marketing information.
  • Access to Coherence Technology Demos and videos.

3. Post-Certification Community of Practice:

  • Upon successful completion of the program, graduates are eligible to join the HeartMath Community of Practice. To help insure your success as a HeartMath Certified Professional, the first year fee is only $29.50 (normally $295 per year).
  • You will also receive a listing in the Certified Professional Directory and a 25% discount on product purchases.
Coherence Advantage Trainer Certification is $3,995* Comprehensive and Transformative *4 equal monthly payments of $999

Overview of Course Content by Module

QUESTIONS? Call us at (800) 711-6221 or (831) 338-8500. Or, e-mail us:

Coherence Advantage™ Certification Training Dates

  • Registration for each series closes 2 weeks prior to Start Date or when class is full.
  • Class size is limited. Registration is first come, first served.
  • Course is held on the Zoom platform.
  • All times are Pacific Time (PT).

February-March, 2025

All times are

Start Date 5 Small Group Classes10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 2 Teach-Back Sessions8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Final Class10 a.m. - 1 p.m.Class Full. closed.
February 13, 2025 Thursdays Feb. 13, 20, 27 Mar. 13, 20 Thursdays March 6, 27 Friday March 28

March-May, 2025

All times are

Start Date 5 Small Group Classes8 - 10 a.m. 2 Teach-Back Sessions8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Final Class8 - 11 a.m.Class Full. closed.
March 24, 2025 Mondays Mar. 24, 31 Apr. 7, 21, 28 Mondays April 14 & May 5 Tuesday May 6

April-May, 2025

All times are

Start Date 5 Small Group Classes4 - 6 p.m. 2 Teach-Back Sessions2 - 9 p.m. Final Class4 - 7 p.m.Class Full. closed.
April 17, 2025 Thursdays Apr. 17, 24 May 1, 15, 22 Thursdays May 8, 29 Friday May 30

May-June, 2025

All times are

Start Date 5 Small Group Classes10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 2 Teach-Back Sessions8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Final Class10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closes: Apr. 22, 2025
May 6, 2025 Tuesdays May 6, 13, 20 Jun. 3, 10 Tuesdays May 27 & June 17 Wednesday June 18

June-July, 2025

All times are

Start Date 5 Small Group Classes8 - 10 a.m. 2 Teach-Back Sessions8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Final Class8 - 11 a.m. Closes: May 19, 2025
June 2, 2025 Mondays Jun. 2, 9, 16, 30 Jul. 7 Mondays June 23 & July 14 Tuesday July 15

July-August, 2025

All times are

Start Date 5 Small Group Classes10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 2 Teach-Back Sessions8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Final Class10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closes: Jun. 17, 2025
July 1, 2025 Tuesdays Jul. 1, 8, 15, 29 Aug. 5 Tuesdays July 22 & Aug. 12 Wednesday Aug. 13

* Registration for each series closes 2 weeks prior to Start Date or when class is full.

* Class size is limited. Registration is first come, first served.

* Course is held on the Zoom Platform.

"This was such a great training. I loved that it was both immersive and experiential! The trainers were knowledgeable and approachable. Their guidance and feed back was helpful in understanding how to best implement the techniques and practices both in my personal life and with the populations I serve."

Marian A, Dallas, Texas

For Your Review

  • Click to View License Agreement.
  • Click to View Coherence Advantage Certified Trainer Application.
  • Click to View Transfer-Cancellation Policies.
  • Click to View Personal and Organizational Quality Assessment Report on 14,226 individuals, pre- and post- HeartMath training.

Registration Process and How to Begin

  1. Complete the application form and click the "submit application" button.
  2. You will receive an immediate confirmation e-mail that you will be contacted within three days.
  3. A 30- to-45-minute interview will conclude the approval process.
  4. Receive a confirmation e-mail that includes a link to pre-instruction materials.

Contact the Training Division for additional information:

Thank you for your interest in HeartMath training programs and services.

What Trainers are Saying

HeartMath Certified Trainer Program is rated 4.9 out of 5 by 239.
Rated 5 out of 5 by from State of the Art Science and Practice with Impact I would recommend anyone having anything to do with science (educators, students, healthcare professionals, book publishers) to get up to speed with the latest cutting edge research of the HeartMath Institute. Once you start practicing, once you feel the power of the heart, there is no going back. You would want to pass this on to the world.
Date published: 2025-01-30
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Exactly what we need in today's uncertain world!!! After this training, I feel like my personal operating system got upgraded. I feel I’ve gained the skills and practical tools to thrive in this fast-paced, ever-changing world! This training covers everything we need—from self-regulating emotions to better communication, keeping our energy levels up, and developing our intuitive intelligence. It provides us with the knowledge and practical tools to remain steadfast on the inside, no matter how unstable things may be on the outside!
Date published: 2025-01-30
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Life Changing Techniques for a Life on the Go! This is information I've needed to better help people who are experiencing stress to quickly feel better, perform better, and find serenity in the midst of their busy lives.
Date published: 2025-01-21
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Essential for everybody! The information how emotions affect us is essential for everybody. Now I have knowledge and techniques how to improve my life in many aspects - health, communication, sleep, inner feeling, relationships, performance etc. Thanks a lot!
Date published: 2024-11-14
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Excellent course; highly recommend I’m so grateful my path led me to taking this course. Simple, evidence-based, scientifically backed evidence synthesizing the spirit and the science of the heart. We were never taught self regulating, resilience and the art of shifting and resetting. HeartMath has done a stellar job of creating a course we can share with clients and audiences to learn foundational biology and techniques to support us. I would add a 6th star!
Date published: 2024-09-06
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Wonderful Materials! This training course provided me the understanding of what and how to present on the HeartMath information. I truly appreciated the materials that were offered including the presentation and the different teaching tools. This will enable me to help others within my current job.
Date published: 2024-09-05
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Learning to Trust my Heart Taking the course on Advantage Coherence and learning how to recognize my own energy drains, and to develop resilience to prepare for, deal with, and recover from stress and adversity has been priceless. I now have a great set of tools to help clients learn how to become aware of their deep habits and underlying programming, and how to use the HeartMath system to change their emotions and their behavior. HeartMath concepts are easy to understand and presented in small pieces that people can easily digest and incorporate in their lives.
Date published: 2024-02-21
Rated 5 out of 5 by from So fortunate to have found HMI and this training! I'm a composer who seeks to energize my audiences' connections to nature (inner, outer, and true). In the last decades, I've focused on creating beautiful and relaxing contemporary classical music without falling into New Agey repetitive pastiche. Last summer, while exploring relationships between EEG brain rhythms and music, I was introduced to the Schumann Resonances, and an orchestra commission allowed me to explore that relationship. While researching, I came upon "Science of the Heart vol 2", which introduced me to Dr. McCraty and HeartMath. It convinced me that the scientists involved were inspired by their findings, too - that my mission resonated with theirs. I had been heading towards HeartMath all my life and didn't know it. The first week of one-on-one meetings reinforced my decision that I was in the right place with good leadership. Experiencing the course from the student chair with high-quality teaching support - taught by experienced teachers proved an excellent curriculum design. My original concerns that the course materials began too light and basic disappeared: I needed to start from the fundamentals, too! My classmates were superb, too. One of the best aspects of the curriculum was teaching two units of the material back to my classmates. Brilliant. Each unit is constructed to be easy to learn and teach, but teaching it while the material was still hot helped to cement it in my memory. Those zoom days with my class will forever be a warm and positive recollection. I am well-prepared to begin presenting the Coherence Advantage course to clients, colleagues, students, family, and friends. And my composition, activities, and life purpose have a flock to fly with.
Date published: 2024-02-20
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