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HeartMath® Institute Student Mental Health Initiative

Educator Reports: Implementing HeartMath Programs and Technology

Wilbur D. Rowe Middle School

Milwaukee, Oregon

Lake Hood Elementary & Tudor Elementary

Anchorage, Alaska

East Evergreen Elementary

Kalispell, Montana

Marvin Elementary School

Los Angeles Unified School District, California

Eagle County School District


Bayfield Primary School

Bayfield, Colorado

Lake Park Elementary School

Addison, Illinois

Youth Detention Center & Foundation YMCA

Wilson, North Carolina

Euclid Middle School

Euclid, Ohio

Pickerington Central High School

Pickerington, Ohio

Drake Planetarium

Cincinnati, Ohio

Cox Elementary School

Xenia, Ohio

Children’s Home of Reading


RSU 3 School District


North Reading Middle School

Lynnfield, Massachusetts

Wachusett Regional School District

Jefferson, Massachusetts

Boys & Girls Club

Shinnecock Nation, New York

Whiddon Rogers Educational Center

Broward County Public Schools, Florida

Atlantic Technical College

Broward County Schools, Florida

NEW HeartMath® Institute Student Mental Health Initiative Continues!

An Invitation to Participate: A Student Mental Health and Well-Being Initiative.

Recently, the HeartMath Institute received a second grant, from a caring donor, to support an additional 50 schools or youth organizations who wish to further enrich their students’ mental health and well-being. The grant allows schools to receive HeartMath technology and online classroom programs for free. You are invited to participate in this new initiative.

Apply for a Grant! Click to fill-out application.