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HeartMath Institute
Stories We Love to Share

Eligible individuals and organizations can receive special funding from HeartMath Institute’s Caring Initiatives sponsorship projects. These include HeartMath Education Projects, HeartMath for Communities Project and the Military Service Appreciation Initiative. We’ve selected some of their inspiring stories to share and hope these will touch your hearts as they have touched ours.

Veterans Tell Stories of Hope

Military Service Appreciation Initiative

H.E.A.R.T. DVD – Caring For Those Who Serve

HeartMath Institute will give the H.E.A.R.T. – HeartMath Education And Resilience Training DVD – to thousands more service members, veterans and their families in 2015. Like the many thousands who’ve already received it free (6,000 copies so far) we want even more to benefit from the reliable tools and compelling stories featured in this 3½-hour presentation.

Three retired veterans, Sgt. Michael "Bulldog" Blair, U.S. Marine Corp, U.S. Army Ranger Lt. Col. Harrison Jack and U.S. Navy Cmdr. Virginia Schoenfeld, MPH, Ph.D., have lots to offer in the DVD. Their unique experience-based perspectives combined with HeartMath’s scientifically validated regimen for building, managing and sustaining balanced emotions, resilience and energy make this an essential training program for new recruits and longtime veterans alike.

Listen to what veterans are saying about HeartMath tools and the H.E.A.R.T. DVD.

Sgt. Blair, who made a remarkable recovery after being seriously wounded during his second tour in Iraq, talks about his feelings and how hard it was. "But learning tools and techniques that can help you through everyday situations … it’s been a great help with my life and my family."

On behalf of everyone who has benefited from the H.E.A.R.T. DVD, HMI extends its sincere thanks to the many caring individuals and organizations who have contributed to HeartMath’s Military Service Appreciation Initiative to make this presentation possible.