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Category Archives: The World of Kids


Smart Brain Wise Heart e-Learning, Boys & Girls Clubs

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Smart Brain Wise Heart™ e-Learning Program for Boys & Girls Clubs

We are excited to introduce our new social and emotional Smart Brain Wise Heart™ e-Learning Program for Boys & Girls Clubs, ages 8- to 12-year-olds.

The primary goal of this program is to have participating youth learn self-regulation skills and improve their focus, motivation and decision-making. Smart Brain Wise Heart (SBWH) introduces tools and strategies for youth to learn how to respond to stress in positive ways.

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Effectiveness With Diverse Groups of Youth

Effectiveness With Diverse Groups of Youth

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Editor's note: Clemson University has offered experiential education to South Carolina youth since 1934. Clemson's Youth Learning Institute (YLI) has played a vital role in the university's rich heritage in youth development, and currently serves more than 130,000 people through some 190 programs annually. YLI partners with numerous organizations to deliver its programs and has a licensing agreement to utilize HeartMath training, tools and technology. Marking the 10 years in YLI and HeartMath’s relationship, HeartMath Institute Director of Research Dr. Rollin McCraty recently discussed the partnership and future plans.

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Children and Media Technology

Children and Media Technology

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The amount of time children spend using media technology today, including computers, cell phones, video games and MP3 players among others, is setting off alarms. The fear is not only that this technology is replacing traditional children’s activities, but that it also may be diminishing social-interaction skills, the ability to relate to the world around them and their empathy for others.

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Take a Wild Ride to the Heart

Take a Wild Ride to the Heart

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“Emotional development in children is crucial and yet severely disregarded,” says a well-known author, consultant and speaker who was greatly impressed by a new family board game from HeartMath.

“I was really blown away by the Wild Ride to the Heart,” Dr. Jim Taylor recently told the HeartMath Institute. Taylor is recognized worldwide for his work in the psychology of performance in business, parenting and sports.

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HMI Blog Child obesity-emotional eating

Childhood Obesity and Emotional Eating

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Currently, an estimated 1 billion people – that’s a little over 1 in 7 – are overweight, and at least 300 million of them are classified as clinically obese, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported. Decades of monitoring the weight of the world clearly show the number of overweight and obese people is rising fast and the crisis is as severe in many parts of the world among children and adolescents ages of 2-19 as it is among adults.

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Early HeartSmarts Study

Early HeartSmarts Study

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Researchers at the HeartMath Institute announced recently the results of a study in which children in 19 preschools within the Salt Lake City School District participated in the Early HeartSmarts program. Click here to review abstract and research paper.

Earlier this year the HMI newsletter carried a story about the Salt Lake City schools program and study, Facilitating Emotional Self-Regulation in Preschool Children: Efficacy of the Early HeartSmarts Program in Promoting Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Development. The study's purpose was to determine the effectiveness of Early HeartSmarts (EHS) in helping teachers "to guide and support young children in learning emotional self-regulation and key age-appropriate socio-emotional competencies, with the goal of facilitating their emotional, social and cognitive development."

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