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Sunshine Secret e-Learning Program

New, Sunshine Secret e-Learning Program

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New, Sunshine Secret e-Learning Program

Horizon Interactive Award (Silver)
Communicators Award (Gold) Communicators Award (Silver) Omni Award (Bronze)

Winner of Omni Award (Bronze)

2018 Communicators Award (Gold & Silver)

2018 Horizon Interactive Award (Silver)

The Sunshine Secret™ is a new e-learning program for children ages 3-6 that features the wonderful story and transformative adventures of Gloria the glowworm and Leon the chameleon. It is a fun way children learn about their emotions, and you can feel good about giving children screen time.

Sunshine Secret is a highly interactive program that uses technology to engage children on multiple levels to teach them how to recognize, express and self-regulate their emotions and behavior.

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Making Life’s Deepest Connection

23,288 Views = 7

Making Life’s Deepest Connection

When a grandmother opens the door and is surprised to find her grandkids standing on her doorstep, all eyes fill with love and light. It reminds us of the timeless, heartfelt connections possible in human relationships.

When human beings connect in this way, it is a form of what is called social coherence, one of the deepest resonate emotions we can feel.

There are times in each of our lives when we are likely to experience such strong, unconditional connections. It may happen with loved ones, friends or in a meeting at which everyone shares similar interests and objectives. When people, especially groups of people are able to get in sync, or on the same wavelength, everyone who is present feels it.

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Love as an Advanced Mode of Intelligence Blog

Love as an Advanced Mode of Intelligence

125,761 Views = 22

Love as an Advanced Mode of Intelligence

What is love? It is a question sure to elicit a great many responses. Simply defined, love is an affection, attraction, admiration or other strong, positive feeling for another person, thing or idea. From a metaphysical or philosophical perspective, love is more of a complex interweaving of many emotions, behaviors and intangibles whose origin, influence and potential has been food for thought over thousands of years and likely will be for thousands more to come.

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Interconnectivity Tree Research Project

Interconnectivity Tree Research Project

81,514 Views = 21

Interconnectivity Tree Research Project

Why are we so in awe of the old oak and the ancient redwood tree? Why does sitting beneath a spreading sycamore feel like a spiritual experience?

HeartMath’s scientists have focused especially on oak and redwood trees as they seek answers to a number of questions. For instance, given our close relationship to trees through the millennia, can electrical responses in multiple trees correlate to events that trigger huge emotional outpouring in large numbers of people?

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A Field View of Reality to Explain Human Interconnectedness Blog

A Field View of Reality to Explain Human Interconnectedness

74,164 Views = 12

“It is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that of man.” –Henry David Thoreau

A Field View of Reality to Explain Human Interconnectedness

Is it true the physical world we see with our eyes is the essence or nature of reality? For much of human history, this is what scientists and most people around the world have believed. More recently, however, another view of reality has emerged, one the authors of HeartMath’s new e-book, the Science of Interconnectivity, † contrast with the historic view.

“Classical physics conceived of reality as elementary building blocks made up of solid objects, separated by empty space,” the authors explain. “This view continues to be most people’s view of reality, including scientists.”

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When the Heart Leads to Wise Reasoning blog

When the Heart Leads to Wise Reasoning

42,365 Views = 16

When the Heart Leads to Wise Reasoning

Would it surprise you to know that a recent study proposes that wisdom, or good judgment is not exclusively a function of your brain, but also of your heart?

More precisely, “wise reasoning,” the study’s authors say, is closely dependent upon what scientists refer to as heart rate variability as well as an ego-decentered mind. Both are key determinants of wiser, less-biased judgment.

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Heart Intelligence Book What People Are Saying

What Readers Are Saying About Heart Intelligence

14,117 Views = 4

What Readers Are Saying About…

NEW Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart Book

— By Doc Childre, Howard Martin, Deborah Rozman Ph.D. and Rollin McCraty Ph.D.

Purchase the Heart Intelligence Book

“For centuries the world’s greatest teachers have been advising us to follow our heart. Finally we have a simple but powerful book that shows us exactly how to do it. Impeccable scientific research inspired by Doc Childre’s deep wisdom about the truth of who we are proves that a few simple heart-centered techniques done consistently over time can transform not only our own lives, but the whole world. I’m not exaggerating when I say Heart Intelligence should be required reading for everybody on the planet.” – Jack Canfield, Co-author of The Success Principles™ and the New York Times #1 bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul® series
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