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Whisper Thoughts and Feelings

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Whisper Thoughts and Feelings

Whisper Thoughts and Feelings

Are whisper thoughts running through your head from the time you get up until you go to sleep? These can be a constant source of energy drain. Let’s take a deeper look and explore some suggestions that may help.

Most of us are familiar with long running whisper thoughts and feelings that constantly stream through our awareness – whether we are at home, at work, sleeping, or riding in an Uber. Most whisper thoughts move through quickly if we don’t feed them, yet occasionally a thought will snag our focus and begin to loop and grow in feeling. “Downer” thought projections especially can own us for hours and it’s humorous how we can be aware of this, yet can’t seem to do much to manage it. (That is, until from our heart, we decide that we can.)

Downer thoughts can crash the effectiveness of a whole day or longer, once they expand into anger, harsh judgments, or hurt feelings and guilt for feeling that way. Even constructive thought loops can become hyperactive at a time when our focus in the moment needs to be on sensitive projects or issues. These unintended distractions can often result in mistakes and re-do’s along with the anxiety and worry that this can trigger.

Renewing Heart Qualities Can Offset Stress

On the positive side, many of our whisper thoughts and feelings renew us and support our best. We can benefit by creating the conscious habit of noticing and energizing renewing thoughts and feelings. It’s also helpful to take some time each day to consciously engage in higher vibrational thoughts and actions, such as kindness, gratitude, compassion, helping others, etc. These renewing heart qualities help to offset the stress accumulation from the taxing thought loops and feelings that strain our ability to reason and make comfortable choices.

Here are a few obvious trigger points that can spark worry from stressing thought loops: criticisms of self and others; a growing list of critical daily “reminders” to attend; looping worries about safety, finances, health issues, relationship complexities, political uncertainty, and more. These are normal challenges in any time period but seem much more pressing in today’s emotional climate.

I’ve experienced these challenges but most all of us do while learning to create a balanced flow in our mental and emotional nature. We are not bad or broke; it’s a normal growth process. Whisper thoughts and thought loops are not the biggest concern. They can come and go much easier once we learn not to feed them with worry and fear that often have no foundation.

Managed Concern Versus Worry and Fear

Many people are finding it helpful to practice shifting their feelings of worry and fear into the attitude of managed concern. Managed concern is an emotionally balanced state of concern that connects us with a clearer view and effective reasoning. Worry and fear tend to overpower our access to effective reasoning and perception. They especially dim our heart’s intuitive suggestions, which can be critical at times. Excessive worry is one of the stealthiest ways we sabotage our well-being, and then worry more because we can’t figure out what caused the problem. We can take charge of this once our heart’s commitment supports our mind’s intention.

Practice Managed Concern

Practice identifying some of your worries that stir fear and anxiety, then experiment with shifting

them into the attitude of managed concern – which brings clear reasoning and solutions without the stress package. The attitude of experimenting is a lighter approach which results in less self-judgment of your performance. Practice first with smaller issues to build your confidence. Before each practice, review with yourself the benefits of managed concern (intelligent concern) compared to the energy drain from excessive worry, etc. Reviewing this can add the power of practicality to your commitments. Soon it will become an automatic reflex to make an attitude adjustment when you sense looping feelings and perceptions start to destabilize your well-being.

I have found that practicing managed concern along with engaging in renewing heart qualities, such as kindness, patience and compassion with myself and others to be most helpful for balancing my energy expenditures. We can be under pressure at times, but often it presses us to finally realize that we have more power in most cases than we assumed over how we choose to feel and respond to life’s situations. My perception is that this available power resides within our heart’s natural intuitive intelligence. The better world we are looking for is waiting for the merger and partnership between our heart and mind. It’s up to each of us.