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Children Adding Heart to the World

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Special Care Focus: Children Adding Heart to the World

Welcome to the Special Care Focus – Children Adding Heart to the World on Monday November 20, 2023, anytime. The HeartMath® Institute invites you to Connect and Add Heart for Children Around the World.

If you want to particapte with others around the world on the Global Coherence App, we have chosen three convenient times: 4 a.m., 12:00 p.m. (noon), and 8 p.m. Pacific Time (GMT/UTC minus 7 hours)*.

Thank you for joining this Special Care Focus for the United Nations World Children’s Day.

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Special Care Focus: Children Adding Heart to the World

As we come together for the upliftment of children everywhere, there seems to be plenty of reasons right now why some adults feel separate or even divided from one another. Or even separate from the guidance of their own hearts. Love for the children is a reason to bring us all together.

Let’s begin by getting centered in the heart.

I invite you to focus your attention in the area of your heart. Now imagine your breath is flowing in and out of your heart or chest area, breathing a little slower and deeper than usual. Find a nice, easy rhythm that’s comfortable for you. A few seconds on the inhale. A few seconds on the exhale. Let’s try it for 10 seconds.

This is Heart-Focused Breathing, which is a really important step because where we place our attention is what we are creating with our energy.

Now, try to feel a feeling of care or appreciation. You can do this by thinking about someone or something you love, like a pet or even a nice place in nature. The important thing here is that you feel the feeling within.

Now radiate the feeling of care or appreciation as warm rays of sunshine warm and glowing – brighter and brighter. Imagine the rays of the sun uplifting you and everyone around you.

Maybe you will start to feel a smile on your face or warmth in your heart.

Let’s hold that uplifting feeling there for a few moments.

If your mind starts to wander, that’s okay. Invite it back to your heart – back to that feeling of warmth and care. With so many distractions and worries, wrapping ourselves in care and comfort can help to raise the vibration of our feelings.

Let’s hold that feeling there a bit longer.

Young people are so important. Alive with curiosity and openness, with hearts full of potential to create changes for the better of all.

Children, your powers are real. These are your abilities to connect and to create together and to let your voices be heard from your heart. This is your signature in the world. Our world needs to hear your voice.

And when the clouds roll in, and you feel anxious or sad, be comforted in the same blanket of care you are creating for others when you are in your heart.

Know that deep within your heart, you are truly wise and kind. And it will give you the guidance you need when you ask. Your heart is always there for you, even when the mind clouds it over at times. Build trust in your heart like a friend. Some would say your best friend.

So, if ever you feel alone, if ever you feel small, your heart can help reconnect you with how much you really do matter.

Tune in to your inner voice – your bright, shining heart. It connects you across the sky and through the clouds and reminds us that we are all under the same stars.

We are all connected by our powerful hearts. And what we think and feel truly matters.

So, let’s radiate care and compassion to all of the children of the world right now so that they may feel uplifted, too – to love and care for one another, no matter what.

May our voices harmonize the pathway to peace from city to city, country to country, continent to continent, creating a magical tapestry of love.

Hold that in your imagination for a moment, remembering this feeling of connection. As the days and weeks progress, reconnect with this feeling. That makes it easier to stay in it more. We can lift ourselves and others this way.

When we resonate in this uplifted feeling of connection, our lives can change for the better, and so can the world. Increasing our care and kindness for each other is a major part of our mission in life.

We would love to see and share images of your community (school, family, organization) participating in the Special Care Focus Add Heart for Children Around the World, so we invite you to send us a picture of your community participating, and we will share your inspiration with our global community in the weeks and months to come. Submit your stories and photos to

Thank you for particapting in the Special Care Focus – Children Adding Heart to the World!

Share Your Story of How You Add Heart in Your Community During the Holiday Season and Beyond

Build on the momentum and coherence of the World Children’s Care Focus by inspiring others with your story of how compassion and care are shown for or by children within your community. Stories can be shared in visual or other art forms, writing, music, or in the method of your choice.

Submit your stories to: by January 31, 2024. HeartMath will highlight inspiring stories in the months to follow as we continue to strengthen our global connection around the well-being of our children.

Download the Free Global Coherence App, App Store or Google Play. Learn more about the Global Coherence App.

Please share your experiences during the Special Care Focus: Children Adding Heart to the World. We’d love to hear your story.

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