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C20/G20 2023 - Helping to Shape Initiatives for Well-Being

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C20/G20 2023 Helping to Shape Initiatives for Well-Being

In a world where dreams often seem out of reach, it’s natural to wonder if our aspirations can become a reality. However, the power of the human heart holds the potential to rekindle hope and ignite action. This story explores this remarkable capacity of the heart, demonstrating that it can bring us closer to achieving some of our most inspiring dreams.

A Collective Vision Takes Shape

In December of 2022, after I was formally invited and accepted to consult for the global C20 event, a collective effort started. I posed a set of questions to my community of Heart Ambassadors®. Imagining a consultation with the leaders of the world’s wealthiest countries: "What would we want them to know? What would we advise them to do with their resources?"

Participants in this discussion included the Heart Ambassadors, the Fyera® Foundation board, and partners like the Red Cross and expert HeartMath staff. Regular meetings were held, guided by heart-centered principles. HeartMath tools were used collectively. The team was committed to a unified outcome, promoting a sense of egoless service, akin to "Total Football" in Europe, where players are flexible and focused on a common goal, transcending individual roles or recognition.

C20 Working Summit, New Delhi, India

Two Heart Ambassador delegates, Kansas Carradine and Phoenix Rose Gauthier, who attended the C20 working summit in New Delhi, India.

Over a period of ten months, with six in-person delegates sent to India, including a youth, we produced over 250 pages of policy recommendations, problem-solving justifications, white papers, population and economic impact statements, and multiple poster and panel presentations and webinars.

Education & Digital Transformation

Contributing panelists including HeartMath personnel who helped formulate policy for overall well-being and crisis management in education.

We consulted to the following working groups:

  • Education and Digital Transformation
  • Technology and Security
  • Sustainable Communities (for Environmental Protection and Climate Change)
  • Gender Equity
  • Disability, Equity and Justice
  • Integrative Health

During our writing process, we discovered that we now have scientific evidence showing that self-regulating our heart rhythms reduces implicit bias and discrimination. This is extremely valuable to those working in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion. To give you a sense of how well the team’s input was received, in the Gender Equity Thematic Book alone, out of 94 pages of recommendations from over 1700 organizations, seven pages consisted of content we wrote. In all our input, we emphasized the importance of selecting emotional literacy skills that are evidenced-based and include Heart Rate Variability (HRV) self-regulation as a foundational element. This is due to the scientifically proven effectiveness of these tools in creating positive outcomes at individual, social, and global levels.

The Result:

In the final 34 page 2023 G20 Leader’s Declaration, the following appeared as the first policy under the Education Commitments:

"Delivering Quality Education

We are committed to inclusive, equitable, high quality education and skills training for all, including for those in vulnerable situations. We recognize the importance of investment in supporting human capital development.

  • Recognize the importance of foundational learning (literacy, numeracy, social-emotional Skills) as primary building block for education and employment."
Delivering Quality Education

A Heartfelt Achievement

This was achieved through the collective efforts of thousands of people; our role was as water droplets in a larger wave of change, indicating that the heart’s time has come.

A Heartfelt Achievement

Heart ambassador delegates celebrating the culmination of the C20 conference with hundreds of students. Making appearances are Phoenix Rose Gauthier, a youth delegate, and Leidy Depaz, an education delegate.

Embracing the Heart’s Potential

The official theme of the C20/G20 in India was; "One Earth. One Family. One Future." Clearly, the heart is gaining prominence in shaping a world based on love.

Learn more about the Education Working Group of the C20.

We are humbled by the world’s readiness to adhere to these bold messages and heart-based principles.

For more details, you may wish to download this PDF document. (pgs. 19, 22, 29-31).

*Note: The C20 creates policy in advance of the G20 conference for top world leaders to consider for adoption as new policy.

By Sheva Carr

About the Author

Sheva Carr is the architect and director of HeartMath’s HeartMastery Program, a Co-Director of HeartMath’s Organizational Division, and the founder of The Fyera Foundation and Heart Ambassadors organizations. These initiatives are committed to advancing heart-centered interventions and scientific principles, with HeartMath at the forefront, to address pressing global challenges such as violent conflict, poverty, access to clean water, human trafficking, and other critical issues worldwide.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Sheva Carr, Robert Browning, Jeff Goelitz, and the dedicated trainers and staff of the HeartMath Institute, along with the many individuals whose contributions made this possible.